Subfloor Ventilation and Its Benefits in Home Construction
Blog |December 4th, 2017Here at Damp Controllers we understand that you are going to eventually run into problems with your home. If you live in an area that is particularly prone to moisture, then you need to start considering the possibility of damp getting into your house. A damp floor can lead to moisture build-up which eventually will lead you to mildew, fungus, and mould. If you are like us, you don’t particularly enjoy having potentially illness-causing organisms growing in your home. Many folks think that they should address damp floors when they happen, but we believe in cutting off problems before they start. For this reason alone we are going to teach you a little bit about subfloor ventilation and how it can be a benefit, particularly when you are doing construction in your home.
Subfloor Ventilation: Installation and Benefits
Subfloor ventilation is a technique whereupon you construct a space between the ground floor of your home, and the actual ground below it. This is an integral space in your home that will rarely be talked about during the home-buying or home construction process. This ventilated area is going to be the topic of our discussion today and we are going to guide you toward the benefits that they can offer your property.
We are going to start by discussing, in short, the harm that a damp under-floor can bring to your property. Usually, when you have a damp under-floor the problem will present itself to you in short order. You’ll either smell the stale odour of the floor interacting with the standing water. Air will get trapped in this area which will allow a multitude of issues to present themselves: mould growth, floor decay, and structural decay. These are a short list of the problems that you’ll run into but now let’s talk about the benefits that creating proper subfloor ventilation can bring to your property.
1. Prevent Mould Growth – Obviously, we have made sure to stress that mould is a very real problem in damp subfloor areas. Mould can turn into potentially dangerous airborne material with proper subfloor ventilation you can protect your health by limiting the conditions that mould thrives in.
2. Protect Flooring Strength – While a primary benefit of subfloor ventilation is the prevention of mould, the secondary benefit is that you will have a stronger foundation as a result. The integrity of your floor will remain in good shape for a far longer period of time.
3. Pest Protection – Finally, improper subfloor ventilation can lead to the problem of actual pests getting into your home. These critters don’t pay rent and they ruin your floor along the way — keep ’em out!
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